Nurturing a Soulful Connection: 3 Ways Nature Is Communicating With You

“I honor the many thousands of years of relationship and cultivation of the health and wellness of this land by its ancestors and living descendants. More importantly I honor the stories and struggles of its people from the beginnings of Spanish colonization and genocide for the establishment of a mission state, to western expansion, and now the industrialization of this land that contributes to today’s climate crisis. Our collective efforts to heal this land and ourselves is done by engaging in conscious efforts to re-establish relationships to ourselves and the land while creating meaningful ways to contribute action to the practice of solidarity towards land sovereignty.”
For the full version of my land acknowledgement, please visit us here

Land holds a unique power that makes us feel at home and connected, reminding us that we are an integral part of the natural world. The greenery around us and the healing sensation of being in nature are gentle reminders that we belong to the Earth. Throughout my life, I've been captivated by how the Earth works and how it makes me feel at home. This fascination led me to focus my career on studying the Earth's plants, animals, and systems. Little did I know that this journey would reveal a deeper spiritual and empathetic connection with the elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

Nature's whispering language communicates with us in subtle yet profound ways, offering valuable guidance and support on our healing journey. Let's explore three captivating pathways through which the sacred language of nature speaks to our souls, guiding us towards emotional and spiritual harmony.

Memories and Synchronicities

Nature triggers profound memories, reminding us of our foundations, the significant lessons and people in our lives. A location or element in nature might evoke nostalgia and provide valuable insights into our past experiences. Sometimes this can show up as a scent of a particular plant triggering a memory of a loved one. Simultaneously, nature orchestrates synchronicities, guiding us to places and experiences we were meant to encounter. A feeling of being in the right place at the right time or unexpectedly arriving at a specific location can lead to aligned healing and support. Fascinating as it may seem, sometimes our ancestors are orchestrating our arrival to a certain place in hopes that we’ll find more answers or guidance to help us along our way. Our ancestors are, after all, existing as nature now that they’re on the other side! This leads me to describe the next way nature communicates…


According to the Oxford dictionary, animism is “the attribution of the soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.” So, when you get that sense that a material object in nature, like an animal, IS your actual relative manifested as that object, that’s animism.

During hikes, we may sense the presence of past loved ones, manifesting as animals or plants that remind us of them. This connection extends to all living things, allowing us to access our ancestors as energy and receive their guidance. Consider building an ancestral altar to help bridge the connection that is coming up. It’s also a good way to let your ancestors know you notice them.

Post-hike Clarity

Immersing ourselves in the natural world provides space for introspection and self-discovery, granting us the opportunity to gain clarity and insight on previously foggy thoughts and emotions. This is the ideal time for you to express gratitude to the land and take some additional deep breaths before journaling what came up during your time in nature.

In its beauty and wisdom, land offers us an opportunity to connect with our inner selves and the Earth- to which we belong. Nature communicates with us through memories, triggers, synchronicities, animism, and post-hike clarity…. providing valuable insights and guidance. As we deepen our intentional relationship with Mother Earth, we heal ourselves and pave the way for a harmonious and sustainable future.

We should all strive to better embrace the wonders of nature, for it is here that we find solace and understanding. Let us cherish and protect Mother Earth, recognizing that our well-being is intrinsically connected to hers. 

Your nature-based coach,
