Mastering the "Homeskhool Hustle" with Papalodown Agency
/“Homeskool Hustle” Episode
with Paloma of Papalodown Agency
“Homeskool Hustle” is a space for live conversations with entrepreneurs hustling and parenting in the pandemic.
When Paloma Concordia, CEO and Founder of PapaLoDown Agency, a premier and boutique public relations company for the BIPOC community, asked me to sit down with her to talk about parenting in the pandemic, I was quick to say “Yes, of coarse!” Because if I could keep it real for you all about these times, I WILL take up that space!
As an entrepreneur we’re already set up to build a flexible schedule, the autonomy in decision-making, and being responsive to changes through innovation. But not doubt, the impacts of this pandemic have added an extra layer as a parent and holder of space for those going through emotional rollercoasters. It’s a lot for the Mompreneurs like Paloma and I and I want to provide some insights from my journey and navigating the beginnings of this pandemic.
Note: this live conversation was recorded in August 2020.
To break it down, we touch on some of the topics below and scroll on down to see the minute breakdown of the talk. And I offer you some questions to reflect on for yourself. Let me know how these land and leave a comment below. I’d love to know how you answered these!
Parenting right now is really hard and it’s bringing up a lot about our capacity
What have you learned about your capacity to hold it together for yourself and those around you?
Starting a new business in the pandemic
Pivoting in the pandemic has been necessary to survive. What have you successfully pivoted in your life or business to make it through? Did you get any support from anyone?
Parenting triggers your inner and wounded child
For the parents out there, now that we’re home all the time in more intimate ways and more narrow spaces of cohabitation, have you found that you’re getting triggered by your children in ways you didn’t expect? Take note of these moments, reflect, and take a deep breathe! This is normal AND a signal that some sort of childhood healing is showing up and needing some TLC. Go to my online school, Radical Nature, and check out my “Working With Your Triggers” mini course to support you through this healing!
1:20 Grounding Acknowledgement
6:07 Introducing myself & viewpoint on reading nature for leadership development
12:26 Parenting as an entrepreneur in the pandemic - Boss mama life!
17:40 Being your own boss in these times
20:56 Culturally relevant resources, like POC coaches
22:42 Starting a business with my 10 yr old daughter
31:00 Home schooling & going back to the village
35:06 What can parents do to tap into their own source to figure out home schooling
41:38 What values is my child getting being raised by an entrepreneur?
45:47 Tapping into nature to find a way forward & how to work with me
52:18 What’s one tip to get you grounded during these times?